Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Roadmaster Falcon 2 Tow Bar Review

Roadmaster Falcon 2  Tow Bar Review 

As Everyone May Or may not know Ive grown up around roadmaster products and can install anytihng and everything they make faster than most people can dream of.. 

It has come to my attention that alot of people are still using the Falcon 5250 Tow bar and well every time i see one I offer customers a $100.00 Discount towards a new one if they upgrade to a Falcon 2 Or A Falcon All Terrain tow bar.

Reason why is well the Falcon 5250 Was Replaced with the Falcon 2 ANd Odd's Are your Falcon 5250 Is pretty Old and ready to be replaced. 

Now Problem is alot of people dont want to part with it because they are well still working really well for them.. 

Thought everyone should know that the Falcon 2 is Just as easy to use if not easier in my opinon.

It is a great tow bar and will last just as long as your old 5250 so why not upgrade and have piece of mind knowing you have the latest model available at roadmaster. 

Main reason to replace is the bushing's do get wore out over time and if you have not had them replaced atleast have them inspected by a tow bar professional or authorized dealer.

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